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Prix du Leadership et de l'Excellence dans le secteur public

À Propos du Prix

Le programme des Prix de leadership et d'excellence de l'IAPC dans le secteur public reconnaît les organisations qui ont fait preuve d'un leadership exceptionnel en prenant des mesures audacieuses afin d'améliorer les services publics, soutenir les priorités du gouvernement ou avoir eu un impact significatif sur les politiques publiques et l'amélioration du Canada grâce à des progrès dans l'administration et la gestion publiques.

Comment ça fonctionne?

Afin d'assurer des soumissions de haute qualité et de réduire la charge de travail des proposants, l'IAPC invite les gouvernements à soumettre des candidatures à partir de leurs propres programmes de prix. L'IAPC acceptera les candidatures des programmes de prix en administration municipale, provinciale, fédérale, territoriale et autochtone.

Processus de nomination

• Toutes les candidatures pour les Prix de leadership et d'excellence du secteur public doivent être soumises via ce lien avant le 15 juillet 2021.
• Pour simplifier le processus, les candidatures peuvent être soumises sous la même forme que celle utilisée dans les programmes de prix internes.
• Les gagnants sont annoncés dans les catégories Bronze, Argent et Or.
• Les récipiendaires seront annoncés et honorés lors de la conférence nationale de l'IAPC qui aura lieu pratiquement les 23 et 24 août.


L'initiative a-t-elle démontré du courage, de  l'innovation et de la résilience ? A-t-elle anticipé les tendances futures et relevé les défis futurs ?

Dans quelle mesure l'initiative a-t-elle eu un impact fondamental sur le travail effectué ou le service à la clientèle fourni? Quelle a été l'importance de l'impact ?

Des relations ont-elles été établies pour soutenir les actions ou contribuer à la réussite globale des programmes ?

2020 Winners

The IPAC Public Sector Excellence Awards program recognizes organizations that have demonstrated outstanding leadership by taking bold steps to improve public services, support government priorities or have had a significant impact on public policy and improving Canada through advancements in public administration and management.

Award recipients were announced during IPAC' s Annual Leadership Conference last month in Toronto.

Please see below organizational highlights from the Bronze, Silver & Gold winner

Bronze - the City of Vancouver, Short-Term Rental Team

In response to Vancouver’s housing affordability crisis, Short-term Rental (STR) regulations were launched on April 2018 – one of the first of its kind in Canada. The combination of the City’s landmark agreement with Airbnb, a fully automated licensing solution and a data-driven approach have allowed the City of Vancouver to achieve one of the highest licensing compliance rates for short-terms rentals in North America, at around 75%. Congratulations to the team!

Silver - Government of Saskatchewan – Valley View Transition Team

Following the 2012 announcement to close Valley View Centre, a care facility for people with intellectual disability, the team was tasked to oversee the transition of 207 residents to their new homes. Instead of a government-directed process, the Valley View team worked with stakeholders, residents, and families to co-create and co-design these homes and accompanying support programs. Congratulations to the team!

The team was, unfortunately, unable to join us at the Award Ceremony.

Gold - Government of Manitoba – Certificate of Indigenous Relations

This certificate program was designed to build departmental capacity in respectful engagement processes with Indigenous peoples and communities. The program continues to support the development of contacts and connections with Indigenous leaders, elders, educators and community members and has resulted in improved program and service delivery.


2019 Winners

The IPAC Public Sector Excellence Awards program recognizes organizations that have demonstrated outstanding leadership by taking bold steps to improve public services, support government priorities or have had a significant impact on public policy and improving Canada through advancements in public administration and management.

Award recipients were announced during IPAC' s Annual Leadership Conference last month in Toronto.

Please see below organizational highlights from the Bronze, Silver & Gold winner

Bronze - Housing Forum Secretariat

In the fall of 2017, the Yukon Housing Corporation assumed the role of Chair of the Provincial/Territorial Housing Forum Secretariat in 2017 to lead provincial and territorial governments in the negotiation of a partnership framework that brought the National Housing Strategy to life. This was achieved through interest-based discussions, position development, and complex negotiations.

The team coalesced to explore and gain understanding of the interrelated roles of Yukon as advocate, liaison, communicator and negotiator. During their tenure, they engaged with Canada, established strong networking connections with the other provinces and territories, clarified points of agreement and identified issues that arose, all while ensuring that Yukon's interests were also reflected in the discussion.

Since the endorsement of the framework, the team has continued to support provincial, territorial and federal colleagues in working together to advance initiatives under the National Housing Strategy. As Yukon's Housing Forum Secretariat team nears the end of their two-year term and prepares to hand the role of Chair on to the next jurisdiction, the members are grateful for the opportunity to showcase Yukon at a national level.

Photo credit: Government of Yukon (2018)

Silver - Health System Restructuring Transition Team - Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA)

The move to a single Health Authority was driven by a commitment to improve the efficiency of the health system, to reduce duplication of effort and, ultimately, to improve frontline patient care for people across the province.

One of the first actions of the Transition Team was to determine the principles that would guide their work, which included a patient first approach; focus on quality and safety; open and transparent communication; collaboration and engagement; respect for people and culture; and, evidence-based decision making. The team placed a premium on open, honest, and transparent communications with all affected parties, engaged many in the development of the work, and ensured their actions were embedded in the principles of effective change management.

The work of the Transition Team has laid the foundation for the SHA to continue their transformational journey, including full implementation of all of the Advisory Panel's recommendations.

Photo credit: Government of Saskatchewan (2018)

Gold - MyAlberta Enterprise Solutions

Service Alberta's Digital Service Technologies (DST) team led the strategy, design, implementation, and adoption of MyAlberta Enterprise Solutions to provide better digital services to Albertans.

MyAlberta eServices offers an easy way to pay for government services online. Since its launch in 2015, over 1.5 million transactions have been completed through the site, totaling more than $250 million.

MyAlberta Digital offers a new way for citizens to prove who they are online, so they can use a single, secure login to access government services.

MyAlberta Evacuation Payment System showcases the transformative potential of MyAlberta Digital ID, which is being leveraged to provide fast and convenient evacuation payments during a disaster. DST delivered the system in six months in partnership with Community and Social Services, Municipal Affairs, and Treasury Board and Finance.

Photo Credit: Chris Schwarz/Government of Alberta (2018)

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