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January 25th

Paid Study Participants needed: Research Project on Remote Work in the Public Sector


Research Project on Remote Work in the Public Sector

Dr. Zachary Spicer of York University’s School of Public Policy and Administration is currently undertaking research exploring the wellbeing and productivity of public servants working in remote, office and hybrid work environments.

Dr. Spicer and his research team are seeking participants who are public servants that are working in any order of government in Canada (federal, provincial, local or Indigenous band government) to take part in a study that will examine the impact of remote and hybrid work on wellness and productivity. Study participants will be compensated for taking part in the study over a 90-day period. Throughout this period, participants will complete two short surveys and log daily activity through the UpBeing app, which is a health and wellbeing companion application designed to help individuals improve their wellbeing by providing insight and interventions to better control stress and anxiety and manage their motivation and productivity at work.

Participants Will Receive:

-          $150 compensation ($50 per month) for participation with the UpBeing app

-          $20 compensation for participation in the short surveys

-          Complimentary access to the UpBeing app (estimated value $10/month)

This project is designed to inform determinations about future workplace policies in the public sector. By participating, you may be able to help shape that process and support decisions about which environments public servants are most productive and healthy. 

What is UpBeing?

UpBeing automates how you measure, understand and improve your habits. UpBeing empowers users to gain insights about their wellbeing, habits and behaviour. The research team has opted to partner with UpBeing to provide better insights into how remote or hybrid work affects the wellness and productivity of public servants.

What does the UpBeing app do?

UpBeing allows users to gain actionable insight into their wellbeing. Users authenticate their data (e-calendar, wearables, Spotify and more) and UpBeing uses these data sources to analyze their behaviours. Users also “check-in” with the UpBeing app in as little as 15 seconds, up to three times a day. These check-ins allow users to report on their feelings and prime themselves at different times throughout the day (check-ins are named accordingly, for example, “Rise & Shine” and “Wind Down”). The UpBeing app then finds correlations between a user’s behaviours and feelings, providing unprecedented insight into what drives a user’s wellbeing and how they can make changes to optimize their wellbeing. You can learn more by vising the UpBeing website.

What data are being collected?

The UpBeing app collects information about you, including behavioural data you authenticate (e-calendar, Spotify, wearables, etc.) and self-reported measures of feeling you report on through check-ins. UpBeing also collects other data as you use the platform like browser information and your UpBeing usage statistics.  Through use of the UpBeing app, the research team will be able to gain valuable insights about the impact of remote and hybrid work on public servants. This data will be kept secure by the research team.

Is the study anonymous?

Throughout the study, the research team will know your identity so that we can associate and analyze data correctly throughout the study process. However, your name or any identifiable information will never be used in any public facing communication or in any research products. Only anonymized and aggregate data will be included in research findings. Your employer will never have any access to any identifiable information. 

What will I gain from participation?

The work environment for public servants is changing rapidly. Governments of all shapes and sizes from across the country are considering various work plans for the future, including hybrid, remote or having staff fully in the office. This project aims to provide insight into this process. By participating, you can help shape the decisions that governments take around the future of work in the public service. Additionally, you will be compensated for participation throughout the study period.

What will the time commitment look like?

You will be asked to install and participate regularly with the UpBeing app. This could take anywhere between two to five minutes a day. The benefit of the UpBeing app is that it uses behavioural science and AI to provide you with insights about your productivity and wellbeing, meaning that the time commitment necessary to participate in the study is minimal. You will also be asked to participate in two short surveys delivered through the UpBeing app. 

I’m interested. What’s next?

If you are interested in participating, please complete this short questionnaire. We will be building a sample of 50 participants in the coming weeks. If you are selected for participation in the study we will contact you at the email. More information can be found here.


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