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Aug 20

Joint workplan to enhance cooperation and innovation between the First Nations Public Service Secretariat (FNPSS) and the Institute of Public Administration Canada (IPAC)

(Winnipeg, Manitoba) The First Nations Public Service Secretariat (FNPSS) and the Institute of Public Administration Canada (IPAC) are pleased to share their joint workplan. The two organizations are working together to develop joint programming, resources and encourage recruitment in order to support excellence in public administration.

“We look forward to continuing to work with IPAC on practical projects, tools and resources that support capacity building and policy making in our communities. FNPSS and IPAC share a common goal – to support excellence in public administration. By working together, we will increase awareness and understanding of Indigenous issues across all public sectors.” Jehan Casey, Director, First Nations Public Service Secretariat

"IPAC Vancouver is pleased to continue its partnership with the First Nations Public Service Secretariat through joint work and collaboration. We look forward to engaging in learning opportunities, sharing expertise and participating in joint dialogue with FNPSS on ways to advance excellence in public administration to the benefit of organizations, communities and citizens," Jonathan Menold, President, IPAC Vancouver.

"We are excited about our partnership with First Nations Public Service Secretariat. IPAC is playing a critical role in advancing government-Indigenous relations and policy-making by hosting Indigenous expertise and perspectives in national conference programs and initiatives."  Scott Thompson, CEO, IPAC

IPAC and FNPSS’ planned activities include IPAC’s Volunteer Indigenous Policy (VIP) project to support Indigenous leaders and administrators as they navigate the intensive legal, policy and regulatory demands of their positions. In partnership with FNPSS, IPAC intends to pilot a VIP project in Fall 2019 with a BC First Nations community and IPAC volunteer experts to support the development of an adoption program that respects the community’s Traditional Laws and Practices. Subject to additional funding being available, IPAC intends to roll out its initiative to additional Indigenous governments across Canada.

A Fall 2019 IPAC webinar will showcase a panel of FNPSS and IPAC leaders who will talk about the importance of our partnership and future initiatives.  Follow-up seminars will further detail the partnership successes and cover topics of mutual interest to BC First Nations and IPAC members.

The joint workplan also includes an IPAC membership drive at the FNPSS conference. The aim of the recruitment drive is to establish a connection with Indigenous participants in IPAC/FNPSS activities as well as increase the number of Indigenous professionals recruited as IPAC members.

Since the renewal of our Memorandum of Understanding in the Summer of 2018, our partnership has already successfully delivered a policy development session co-facilitated by IPAC Vancouver at the FNPSS 2018 Conference for BC First Nation administrative professionals. Additionally, IPAC provided expert consultation on policy development training for FNPSS’ Management Training Academies. The promotion of IPAC events to BC First Nations by FNPSS has also increased the awareness of IPAC activities and resources amongst First Nation administrations.


For more information please contact:


Jehan Casey

FNPSS Director

Tel: 604 926 9903

Email: [email protected]

Follow FNPSS: @fnpublicservice    

James Froh
Senior Executive in Residence
Tel: 306 527 8290
Email: [email protected]



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