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Negotiating Against Time

Divesting a Provincial Agency to Local Municipalities

Author: Bill Fraser, Sandra Tychsen
Publication Date: 2006, 2011

A 40-year old provincial government agency has outlived its policy purpose of guaranteeing public access to parks and the riverfront. Management, consultants and a cash-strapped government have been unable to staunch the flow of red ink.

As a director in the tourism ministry, you are simultaneously negotiating an agreement transferring the agency to two municipalities and seeking approval from Cabinet to wind up its operations.

Can you secure an agreement with municipal staff and politicians, $3 million or more in funding, approval from two Cabinet committees, job guarantees or severances for over 100 employees, and keep the issue out of the local newspaper ' all in the next two weeks? This case study provides a detailed backgrounder on the complexities of the issues and challenges, and requires the students, working in groups, to produce and present a strategic operating plan that navigates the turbulent waters of this provincial agency's divestment.
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