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Public Safety Canada

Author: Doug Davidge
Publication Date: 2013

This case outlines how Public Safety Canada (PS) built successful partnerships to deliver a social marketing campaign in a different way. It moved the perspective from one of working alone to a more encompassing, social marketing-based approach that focused on building on the strengths of others.

The second focus is how the campaign leveraged the credibility, resources and networks of private and not-for-profit institutions to deliver the message of preparedness, and create sustainability for the campaign. In doing this, Public Safety Canada was positioned more as a leader and enabler rather than a director or distributor of resources.

These two focuses are linked as the case's primary concern of how to build and sustain multi-stakeholder, cross-sector partnerships in a distributed environment. The objective of the case is to provide the story of this work in order to derive lessons learned and learning points for others to consider as they undertake similar projects. From an academic perspective this case will provide insight into how governments build effective partnerships.
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