Expert on product packaging for export markets

Cowater International, Ottawa 

  • Closing Date: October 14th, 2024
  • Location: Home-based
  • Work Type: Part-Time/Short-Term
  • Experience Level: Technical Expert Profile/Expertise


Funded by Global Affairs Canada, the Expert Deployment Mechanism for Trade and Development (EDM) provides technical assistance to Official Development Assistance (ODA)-eligible countries to maximize the development impacts of trade and investment. Over seven years (2018-2025), EDM will invest CAD 16.5 million to support Canada's developing country trading partners in negotiating, implementing, benefiting from, and adapting to trade and investment agreements with Canada.

EDM is a demand-driven project that will benefit potential partners—including governments, local private sector groups, and local civil society organizations—through capacity building and technical advisory support on policy reform issues that have the potential to reduce poverty and gender inequalities and support progress in trade and investment agreement negotiations.

Paraguay has been identified by Global Affairs Canada as a priority country for EDM technical assistance, in the context of the ongoing Canada-MERCOSUR free trade agreement negotiations. EDM assistance has been provided to deepen Paraguayan trade officials’ understanding of negotiating issues and develop negotiating positions, including on services, investment, regulatory cooperation, rules of origin, and gender provisions in trade agreements.

The Canada-MERCOSUR negotiations have been paused and the focus of EDM assistance has shifted to strengthening trade support organizations, including public and private sector entities. Priority consideration has been given to improving export development services for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and marginalized groups – women, Indigenous, and minority-owned businesses. The ultimate objective of this assistance is to increase export revenues, create jobs, and reduce poverty.

A recent EDM mission to Paraguay found a relatively strong recovery from the economic downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic. A return to strong GDP growth was achieved in 2022, with an increase of 4.7% over the previous year. However, Paraguay remains overly dependent on a few export products and is vulnerable to downturns in global demand for commodities and natural resources. Expanding the manufacturing sector and diversifying export products and markets are priorities for Paraguay.

Technical Assistance Request

The Vice-Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (VM/MSME) of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce has requested expert assistance to strengthen export development support services to MSMEs by developing an MSME guide to packaging for export markets. Advice on managing the environmental impacts of packaging, innovative materials, and consumer demand trends should be included.

Training for VM/MSME, trade promotion officials has also been requested to prepare them to deliver packaging advice to MSME clients based on the guide. Experts will mentor VM/MSME officials in delivering individualized packaging advice to a limited number of companies—as case studies in the training course and to pilot the use of the guide.

Position: Expert in Product Packaging for Export Markets

This position is part of the EDM project funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The role involves designing a guide to help MSMEs in Paraguay improve their product packaging for export markets, aiming to enhance export revenues, create jobs, and reduce poverty. The expert will develop the guide, deliver training to VM/MSME trade promotion officials, and mentor them in providing tailored packaging advice to companies. The deliverables include a detailed work plan, a training course, and a final report.

Linkage to EDM Performance Measurement Framework

This assistance aligns with the EDM Performance Management Framework, Immediate Outcome 1220: Increased capacity of partner country MDAs to expand access to export-oriented economic opportunities for SMEs, particularly those led by women, Indigenous peoples, or other underrepresented groups.

The assistance also aligns with the EDM Country Needs Assessment Plan for Paraguay, Mandate 1: Strengthening Trade Promotion.

Description of Technical Assistance Request/Key Responsibilities

  • Design an MSME guide to packaging products for export markets.
  • Design and deliver a training course for VM/MSME trade promotion officials to introduce the guide and prepare officials to use it in delivering export development support services to client companies.
  • As part of the training, mentor VM/MSME officials in delivering individualized export packaging advice to a limited number of companies.

The guide, training course, and supporting materials will be delivered in Spanish. Translation and simultaneous interpretation services can be provided and funded separately by EDM. An audiovisual recording of the training event should be prepared for continued use by the beneficiaries and to extend the reach of the technical assistance.

The EDM promotes gender equality, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability as cross-cutting objectives of all technical assistance. Proposals should explain how these objectives will be integrated into the assistance activity, including through the participation of women, Indigenous Peoples, and other marginalized groups in the design and delivery of this technical assistance activity.

Technical Expert Profile/Expertise Required

Experts bidding for this technical assistance activity must demonstrate expert knowledge and extensive experience in the following areas:

  • Product packaging for exports.
  • Public sector export development support programs and services.
  • Delivery of trade-related technical assistance to developing countries.
  • Design and delivery of adult education activities.
  • Inclusive approaches to trade, considering the perspectives of women, Indigenous Peoples, SMEs, and marginalized groups.
  • Linkages between trade and the environment.

Note: The EDM includes a core focus on gender and social inclusion, as well as on environmental issues associated with trade activities. Successful applicants must research and integrate specific good and emerging practices in these areas, partnering with other expert consultants if necessary. Any prior experience providing TA on gender equality, social inclusion, and the environment will be considered a strong asset.


The recruitment of experts is expected to be completed in November 2024. The technical assistance activity is expected to be completed by May 2025.


  • A detailed work plan, work schedule, and budget for the delivery of activities.
  • Completed EDM Performance Measurement Framework template for the TA, including baseline data and targets against EDM indicators.
  • Draft and final versions of the guide, training course, and related teaching materials.
  • Final Narrative Report on Mandate: Due within 30 calendar days of completing all TA activities. The report shall describe activities delivered; results achieved (versus initial expected results and baseline); lessons learned relevant to future EDM activities, and expenses incurred by the Consultant in carrying out this mandate. This report will be reviewed and approved by EDM before being shared with Global Affairs Canada.

Proposal Submission Process

For your proposal to be considered, please name your document in the following format: 2.9 Consultant Last Name, First Name (Proposals can be submitted by a single consultant or a consortium of consultants).

Your proposal should be in English and contain the following sections:

  • Cover letter
  • Your approach to implementing this TA (up to 10 pages maximum)
  • Your approach to ensure that gender equality and social inclusion are considered in all aspects of the TA, including approach, content, and delivery (up to 2 pages maximum)
  • Your approach to ensure that environmental impacts are considered in all aspects of the TA, including approach, content, and delivery (up to 1 page maximum)
  • Your project management and monitoring strategy for implementing the activities (up to 2 pages maximum)
  • All proposed personnel to implement this project and their roles and responsibilities. Include all CVs of proposed personnel/experts (up to 20 pages maximum)
  • Estimated level of effort (in days) and consulting rates (in CAD) for each proposed personnel member and/or expert implementing the project

Please submit your proposal as one PDF document through the Cowater Career Page. Emailed proposals will not be accepted. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

About Us

Founded in 1985, Cowater International is a leading global development consulting company. Headquartered in Ottawa and with corporate hubs in Auckland, Berlin, Brussels, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Manila, Nairobi, Singapore, and Stockholm, Cowater International has successfully delivered a portfolio of over 2500 projects and assignments in more than 95 countries.

We work with governments, private sector actors, and communities to implement projects that support socio-economic development, institutional strengthening, environmental improvements, and advance equal opportunities for all. We are a diverse and experienced team committed to building a better tomorrow for the people we serve. Our adaptive approach to management has led to our yearly award-winning work and recognition as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies since 2017.