About the Award

The Lieutenant Governor's Medal of Distinction in Public Administration is Ontario’s highest honour for public service. It recognizes a public servant in Ontario who has demonstrated exemplary leadership, dedication and innovation and contributed significantly to their community. Because leadership can take many forms, this award recognizes individuals at any level in their organization who have made sustained efforts to advance public administration.

The award is administered by IPAC’s Southwest Ontario, National Capital Region and Toronto Regional Groups and is a partnership with the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario who presents the award each year at a ceremony.

This award builds on Ontario’s traditions of strong public administration to recognize and celebrate public service excellence.

Letter from The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

Since 1990, when the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal of Distinction in Public Administration was established in Ontario, outstanding recipients have been recognized for their exemplary leadership in this field throughout the province.

Over the years, these individuals have distinguished themselves through their endeavours that have made significant contributions in leadership roles within public administration in Ontario. The selection committee reviewing the nominations includes representatives from federal, provincial, and municipal governments, as well as the academic community.

The significant achievements of award recipients have made this province a better place to live. Public administration is an honourable calling, attracting those with a commitment to creating the best and most efficient ways of serving our communities at large.

As The Queen’s representative in Ontario, it is my great honour to annually present this Medal of Distinction in Public Administration.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Individuals currently or formerly employed in any level of government including agencies, boards and commissions; and teachers or students of public administration are eligible for nomination.
  2. The work of federal public servants must be primarily Ontario-focused.
  3. In order to preserve the non-partisan nature of the award, individuals actively engaged in politics are not eligible for nomination regardless of any previous contributions to public service.
  4. Board and executive members of IPAC at the national or regional level are ineligible for nomination.
  5. Membership in IPAC is not a requirement to submit a nomination or to be nominated. Self-nominations are accepted.
  6. Individuals are eligible regardless of their field, responsibilities, or level within their organization. Professional contributions should relate to administrative or management activities rather than scientific or technical activities.

Selection Process

The award will be presented to a public servant (or former public servant) who demonstrates:  

  • Leadership
    • How has the nominee demonstrated leadership within their organization or field of expertise?
    • Leadership can be demonstrated in any form and is not limited to management duties.
  • Innovation and Creativity
    • How has the nominee demonstrated innovation or creativity in how they approach their work?
    • Examples could include work on research, policy or program initiatives, and workplace culture initiatives.
  • Accomplishment/Impact
    • What has the nominee achieved professionally & how has it impacted the field of public administration; the delivery of government policy or services; and/or the academic study of public administration?
  • Dedication and Sustained Effort
    • Has the nominee demonstrated dedication to public service throughout a period of time?
    • Nominations should not be limited in scope to a single project or initiative.
  • Contribution to the Profession
    • How has the nominee contributed to the public service profession?
    • Contributions could include promoting high standards of public service, supporting the development of public servants, improving diversity and inclusion within the public service, or contributing to workplace mental health and wellness.
  • Contribution to the Community
    • How has the nominee contributed to their community?
    • Contributions can be within their local community or across the province of Ontario and can be demonstrated through professional or volunteer work.
Other Guidelines & Information
  1. To submit a nomination package, complete a nomination form that includes the following as enclosures:
    • Nomination Letter: a cover letter (one to two pages) that includes contact information for the nominee and the nominator(s) and an overview of the content of the nomination package.
    • Biography: a summary of the nominee’s educational background, positions held, civic and professional involvement and other relevant information (three to five pages).
    • Supporting Statement: maximum of 2 pages summarizing how the nominee meets the criteria.
    • Accomplishments: description of the key accomplishments and achievements of the nominee as they relate to the selection criteria (maximum three pages).
    • References: letters from three to six persons in support of the nomination.
  2. Nominations are considered for 3 years, including the year of nomination.
  3. The selection committee’s decisions are solely based on information provided on the nomination form.
  4. The names of nominees and the ranking of nominees by the selection committee shall be confidential.

Key Dates

Nomination Deadline April 30, 2024 *this years award has closed
Winner Announced Fall 2024
2021 Medal Recipient
Marian Jacko
[ Full Release ]
2018 Medal Recipient
David Cleaveley
[ Full Release ]
2015 Medal Recipient
Fiona Crean
[ Full Release ]
2020 Medal Recipient
Robert N. Shelton
[ Full Release ]
2017 Medal Recipient
David Bogart
[ Full Release ]
2019 Medal Recipient
Kimberly Murray
[ Full Release ]
2016 Medal Recipient
Senator Tony Dean
[ Full Release ]