Senior Director, Communications and Marketing

CivicAction, Toronto, ON

Closing Date May 31, 2023 Location Toronto, ON Work Type  -
Salary   Experience Level  - Job ID 439ES
Job Description


CivicAction acknowledges that the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area is situated upon traditional and current Indigenous territories that include the Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Anishnaabeg, Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation, and Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation. The treaties that cover these territories include the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant—an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes—and the Upper Canada Treaties. Today, the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area is still home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island (North America) and we recognize the historical oppression and inequalities that they continue to face. In our role as a civic convener, CivicAction is committed to rebuilding and renewing respectful relationships between Indigenous and non-indigenous people and support the important work of The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

CivicAction serves as a driving force for positive transformation, converting cooperation into tangible results to construct more equitable and inclusive cities. Since its establishment as the Toronto City Summit Alliance in 2002, CivicAction has provided a neutral and impartial platform for collaboration and leadership, with a focus on enhancing the social, economic, and environmental landscape of the region. The CivicAction Leadership Foundation is the charitable branch of CivicAction, an esteemed civic engagement organization renowned for its fearless commitment to achieving impactful change. Inaugurated in 2017, the CivicAction Leadership Foundation is committed to nurturing the collective leadership potential of the region by training and empowering those who are poised to lead it. Through the Foundation’s free, high-impact leadership initiatives, thousands of diverse emerging leaders in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) have been afforded opportunities to expand their horizons, sharpen their minds, and explore new pathways to success.

Being a catalyst for positive change, CivicAction aims at turning collaboration into action in order to build better, more inclusive cities. It is within this context that CivicAction invites nominations and applications for the role of Senior Director, Communications and Marketing. This role is a two (2) year, full time contract, with option to extend, which will provide a motivated individual with the opportunity to work in a highly-respected, results-driven civic engagement organization with a history of bold action and impactful change.

The Senior Director, Communications and Marketing—a valued member of the Executive Management Team and a direct report to the CEO—will steer the comprehensive strategy in recognizing prospective avenues for proactive communication and marketing initiatives that drive corporate and government collaborations. This role encompasses leadership responsibilities for four pivotal areas concerning both CivicAction and the CivicAction Leadership Foundation (CLF): strategic, multi-channel communications; branding and marketing management; bolstering CEO branding, and; media relations, government relations and public affairs. The incumbent will assume an active role in overseeing these portfolios, with a view to optimizing the organization’s outreach and amplifying its impact.

The Senior Director is expected to drive all facets of communication and marketing endeavors, with an emphasis on expanding the reach and clarity of CivicAction’s mission and its transformative initiatives. The incumbent will be tasked with several key deliverables, such as spearheading the communication and marketing of Summit 2023 and CivicAction’s 20th anniversary celebrations to bolster the organization’s relevance and impact. The Senior Director will also be responsible for devising public and government relations strategies and outreach efforts, including those that involve the CEO and Board Chairs. To achieve these objectives, the successful candidate will guide and mentor staff members responsible for implementing the strategy across multiple communication channels, such as print and digital media, newsletters, publications, brochures, press releases, proposals, video content, speeches, and donor communications for both large-scale and individual campaigns.


As CivicAction is committed to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in all its forms, the Senior Director, Communications and Marketing will need to have these matters steeped in their social consciousness to ensure their work is informed by a critical, intersectional, and social justice lens. They will have a strong interest in city building and possess several years of progressive experience in communications, marketing, public relations, or journalism, along with brand building in a high-impact, non-profit sector or public sector. The successful candidate will have experience in the development of creative strategies across digital, social, and print platforms; creative and campaign development; advertising and media planning along with buying. Among other skills, the successful candidate will bring a commitment to working with shared leadership and in cross-functional teams, with expertise in the successful development and execution of marketing campaigns, communications, media relations, government relations and public affairs activities, and must be culturally competent, sensitive, and attuned to the voices and needs of a diverse community.


How to Apply

CivicAction is committed to equity and inclusion in their workplace and recruitment processes. Applicants of all gender identities and sexual orientations, ages, ethnicities, cultures, abilities, and life experiences are encouraged to apply. Accommodations are available for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.

CivicAction is partnering with BIPOC Executive Search to ensure an applicant list that is diverse and is as intersectional as possible. All interested applicants can send their resume to Urmilla Khan by e-mailing [email protected] or can apply through the BIPOC Executive Search mobile app.

In accordance with the AODA Act, for applicants living with a disability accommodation will be provided throughout the search process. Should accommodations be required, please make Urmilla Khan aware by using the above address.

We thank everyone for their expression of interest—and are truly appreciative of the time individuals put into applying—but with the limitations of time only those selected for an interview will be contacted.